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About the Program

“The very notion of a path is, itself, indicative of the nature and purpose of the courses, for a path invites participation, it beckons to new horizons, it demands effort and movement, it accommodates different paces and strides, it is structured and defined.”

The Hampton Park Neighbourhood Building Program is a community initiative driven by a group of local friends and families who want to improve the social, intellectual, and moral wellbeing of their neighbourhood. The program is inspired by the Ruhi Institute and focuses on the spiritual, social, and cultural development of individuals, particularly youth and children, with the belief that everyone has the capacity to contribute to the welfare of the neighbourhood. The program offers study circles and community service projects for participants to develop true friendships, sharpen their ability to express themselves, and make wise choices in their lives. It does not promote any religion or belief system but seeks to provide young people with the opportunity to explore themes and concepts that enable them to combat the forces of moral decay and become active protagonists of social change.


Study Material

The Ruhi Institute is an educational institution that focuses on an individual's spiritual, social, and cultural development to contribute to building more vibrant communities. It originated in Puerto Tejada and has since expanded globally, with its educational programs adopted by various agencies. The institute has its own framework, philosophy, and strategies to aid in community building through education for development.

The Ruhi Institute emphasises collective learning and action, which involves sharing knowledge and experiences to benefit future generations and other communities. This is achieved through study circles, where individuals with a shared vision study concepts related to their spiritual and collective development.


Some of the main concepts explored are how to:

  • Foster a devotional character within a community through prayer and meditation

  • Strengthen bonds of friendship among all people

  • Make the education of children an integral part of community life

  • Maintain an environment that helps young people develop their intellectual and spiritual capacities


Participants are required to carry out specific acts of service related to the themes discussed, which solidifies what they have learned. Through study circles and acts of service, individuals develop a common vision of individual and collective transformation, building the capacity of the community to reflect a pattern of life that prioritises social transformation and fellowship.

Pedagogy of Service


Aims of the Program


Enhancing Powers of Expression

The program enhances people's powers of expression through its study circle process, which provides a safe and supportive environment for participants to engage in meaningful conversations and share their thoughts and ideas. Participants develop their critical thinking and communication skills, as well as their ability to express themselves clearly and effectively. The program also emphasises the importance of creative expression, such as through music, drama, and the arts, as a means of enhancing one's powers of expression and understanding. As participants engage in acts of service related to the themes explored in study circles, they develop their leadership and organisational skills, which also contribute to their ability to express themselves and make positive contributions to their communities.


Building a Strong Moral Structure

The program builds in people a strong moral structure by providing a framework for spiritual, social, and moral development. The courses and materials focus on helping individuals develop virtues such as love, unity, justice, and service to others, which are essential for building a strong moral foundation. The programs approach to education and community building emphasises the importance of collective learning and action, which helps to strengthen bonds of friendship and unity among individuals and creates a supportive environment for moral development.


Sharpening Spiritual Perception

The program seeks to sharpen participants' spiritual perception by providing individuals with a framework for exploring and deepening their understanding of spiritual concepts and principles. The courses and materials are designed to help individuals recognise and develop their spiritual capacities, such as intuition, insight, and wisdom. The study circle process, which is at the heart of the programs approach to education, provides a space for individuals to engage in meaningful conversations about spiritual themes and to reflect on how these themes relate to their own lives. Through this process, participants develop a deeper understanding of spiritual principles and concepts and are encouraged to apply them in their daily lives.

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